
Choosing the right measurement for your key results

The OKR (Objectives and Key Results) methodology is a popular framework for setting and tracking progress towards personal and organizational goals. It helps align goals, break them down into smaller, measurable chunks, and track progress towards completion. However, a common challenge with the OKR methodology is choosing the right measurement for your key results. Tenolife offers three ways to measure key results: by percentage, by amount of accomplishment, and by completion of all actions.

Completion of All Actions Measurement

In this type of measurement, the focus is on completing all of the actions necessary to achieve the key result. For example:

Objective: Improving public speaking skills

Key result: Give three presentations in front of a live audience and receive feedback on your performance

***this key result could be to complete all of the necessary actions


+ Find opportunities to speak in front of a live audience, such as at a local meetup or at work.

+ Prepare and rehearse each presentation

+ Seek feedback from the audience after each presentation

+ Incorporate feedback into your preparation for the next presentation

Other types of key results should fall in this category:

  • Qualitative key results: this type of key result focused on measuring the quality of result rather than the quantity.

  • Binary key results: this type specify that the result is achieved or not, rather than the amount of the progress made.

  • Impact-based key results: this type is not easy to know how much impact has been made, but it should be a list of actions to track what have done.

Percentage Measurement

Percentage measurement is a straightforward way to track progress towards a goal. For example:

Objective: Improve productivity and efficiency at work

Key result: Increase productivity by 20% by the end of the quarter.

*** this key result must be measured clearly and independently with below actions


+ Assess current productivity levels by tracking time spent on tasks for a week.

+ Identify areas for improvement, such as distractions or inefficiencies in your work processes.

+ Implement productivity-boosting strategies, such as using time-management tools, streamlining work processes, or limiting distractions.

+ Track progress by re-assessing productivity levels at the end of each week.

Other types of key results should fall in this category:

  • Time-based key result: this type focuses on tracking progress over a specific period of time.

  • Outcome-based key result: this type focuses on measuring the end result of a goal.

  • Comparative key result: this type compares the progress towards a goal to benchmark or to gain improvement.

Amount of Accomplishment Measurement

This type of measurement tracks the amount of progress made towards a specific, numerical target. For example:

Objective: Improve physical fitness

Key result: Run a total of 200 miles in 12 months

*** this key result has the well-defined amount to track, regardless the action completion


+ Set a running schedule to ensure that you run a certain number of miles each week.

+ Track your progress by keeping a record of the miles you run each week.

+ Celebrate each milestone along the way, such as reaching 50 miles, 100 miles, and 150 miles.

Other types of key results should fall in this category:

  • Cost-based key result: this type focuses on tracking the exact cost of achieving the key result.

  • Unit-based key result: this type having the exact number of items need to achieve.

In conclusion, measuring key results correctly is an important aspect of the OKR methodology. By selecting the right type of measurement, you can track progress towards your goals and make informed decisions about what actions to take next.


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